usa la cleta

usa la cleta

zondag 16 december 2012

The questions of 2012

Do you really have 101 of them?
A cute little boy in front of the elevators in the apartment building of my Italian friend Marco, where I spent three weeks dog sitting the Dalmatians. They are the loveliest lady dogs and I take care of them with great pleasure. But 101?! And then walking them two by two, can you imagine.

Where’s the Dutchy?
The Well Very Learned Professor Mario Marino after his first lecture Physiology, the day that Argentina and the Netherlands would encounter each other in the Olympic arena for hockey gold. After his lecture he wanted to know who was supposed to be the Holandesa of the two European ladies in the front row (my German fellow student Maxi and I), to remind me that later that day battle would break loose. In case of Dutch victory they would very much appreciate my absence in class J The last four months I very much enjoyed listening to the lectures of the most charming professor of our faculty (with associated reputation ...). His next legendary statement, when we met a few weeks later – silver hockey sorrow forgotten - : "I still got semen from the Netherlands". Ehm .. ok!?!? Turned out he breeds horses and is interested in the Dutch warmblood. Hence.

Can you please write that down?
The oldest Professor of Biochemistry, Dra. Martha Beconi, during my oral final exam for Biochemistry. I was very fortunate that day: I got to entertain this eminence grise that reached her retirement age years ago, with my knowledge of the citric acid cycle and all other processes in the energy metabolism of our cells. Afterwards I heard that her department is trying to limit the collateral damage of her interference, but she still retains the privilege to take oral exams without an assistant teacher. I did not think I would be needing pen and paper. Suddenly I realized that she is deaf and simply did not understand me and my answers. Panic! After 15 minutes of non-communication, I got off with a fright and a meagre seven...

What about "chicos"?
54 Year-old Argentine date over dinner in a cosy little restaurant in Palermo. Chicos? Somewhat surprised, I began to think of his 27-year-old counterparts that occasionally chase me in pubs or discos, invariably starting their open mouthed attacks after a few sentences or dance steps, shamelessly stuffing my throat with their tongue. I estimated, however, that my dinner companion would not be completely up-to-speed with the prevailing disco/meat-market manners and gently tried to formulate a politically correct answer. Mistake! He did not ask about my experiences with the competition but inquired about my family-planning! Inwardly I laughed out loud about the completely conflicting associations caused by this single word. So he needed a second nest and chose me to hatch the eggs? So he presumed to tactically tackle the tricky matter just before dessert? The mutual interpretation errors were very indicative of our non-corresponding communication styles. Doomed to fail, this date...

By far the most frequently asked and ever recurring question of many Argentines. So often, that I got fed up a bit answering it. Maxi and I have a mini-competition "The Most Original Answer to Least Original Question". Maxi usually wins, she excels in bizarre answers. Nobody can imagine why the hell we want to study here. I have previously written about the national inferiority complex of the Argentines (see my blog Hulde - sorry, only in Dutch). Europeans are put on a pedestal, Europe is paradise (crisis or no crisis). On the 8th of November there was a mass demonstration, but the protests already started earlier in 2012 (see my blog Enjoy the ride – again GoogleTranslate will need to be your friend).

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